True Detective: The Secret Fate of All Life (2014)
Season 1, Episode 5
Seeds of Doubt Are Planted
17 February 2014
If you thought True Detective couldn't maintain the tense atmosphere so cleanly engineered in the last episode - you were wrong. TD has followed one pinnacle with another and this episode is all what the previous episode was, plus more.

That said, I can go on and on about what is good about this episode and this series as a whole. The writing is impeccable, the acting spotless, the music perfect and the cinematography pristine. The combination of these provide for an excellent hour of television in which you are transported through the screen and into the drama.

Like the previous episode, you can cut the tension with a knife here. Especially, in the initial and final portions. Additionally, there have been some excellent juxtapositions in this episode. I really liked the shooting-board one - where Rust and Marty present there version of the events, intercut with footage of what really happened.

Again, a lot of new territory is covered. There have been subtle 'Rust: The Killer' references throughout this series, and this episode brushes away the dust and follows up on this storyline. Suddenly, all that has been done up till this episode has come to naught. True Detective starts again, delving deeper into dark, unchartered waters.

Desperately waiting for more.

P.S: This episode had a nice little concept of quantum physics, effortlessly assimilated in the dialogues. I daresay, it was enjoyable.
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