Frances Ha (2012)
An nice tale with a seriously frustrating central character
5 March 2014
Crafting his most Woody Allen lite film yet, Allen's seemingly heir apparent Noah Baumbach's black and white New York set tale of modern day women and questionable life choices was a critical darling upon release and a film many would rank as one of their personal favourites of last year. Now for this to occur for yourself you will need to fall in love with Baumbach's and Gerwig's creation of Frances for if you don't (like I did) the films impact will be nothing more than slight enjoyment.

Nothing is wrong with a character that makes bad choice after bad choice or who seems more concerned with going to a party than getting a decent job but in the case of our carefree Frances it just seems a little much. It could be the case that Baumbach's film is more accurate than we would care to admit when concerning oneself with the youth of today but it doesn't make the film anymore impactful. Gerwig is without doubt a fantastic Frances and it would be fair to say that this is her star making vehicle. It is due to her performance that Frances Ha succeeded in the way it did on release and was made tolerable despite our better judgements.

As I am readily admitting that I did not find the character of Frances or any others in the film that wholly likable I am in agreeance with the critical and general public that Baumbach's film is filled with charm and acts as a love letter to the Big Apple that few films can capture. The black and white style fits in perfectly with the easy on the eye cinematography and the upbeat musical score and the film has a charm within that makes it truly hard to despise.

For those that connect with Frances and her merry band of hipster friends Frances Ha will be a true joy and perhaps a new favourite to add to other New York set classics, for those like me who found the characters a little to slap worthy there is much still to enjoy in this tale of modern day love, friendship and life.

On a side note to the film lets hope that Frances Ha star and Girls regular Adam Driver can pull off being a Star Wars villain if rumours of his casting are to be believed.

3 spare of the moment Paris trips out of 5

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