Review of Invitation

Invitation (1952)
A rocky road for Dorothy
11 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Lush soaper with shades of Dark Victory but with a rosier resolution. When the film opens we find ourselves in plush surroundings with gorgeous people leading privileged lives and seemingly gloriously happy. However there seems to be something slightly irregular just under the surface of all this bliss.

After a few establishing minutes cue the flashback that shows us all is not gold that glitters and our heroine is suffering from a bum ticker that might blow at any minute. It's somewhat overwrought storytelling but because of the skillful playing of most of the cast it is compulsively watchable.

Top honors go to Dorothy McGuire in the star spot. Never a member of the go big or go home school of acting like Bette Davis or Joan Crawford could be she imbibes Ellen with subtle shades of longing and anxiety although she does have one or two moments where by necessity her emotions break out. She elevates the picture above the standard weepie category it could have easily fallen into.

Louis Calhern is equally fine as Ellen's overprotective father, perhaps overstepping his bounds but always with the best of intentions for the daughter he loves.

Van Johnson playing the well meaning husband who has nevertheless deceived his wife is neither good nor bad merely adequate. A stronger actor in the role might have made this a really fine picture but he is not in the same acting class as Dorothy and doesn't approach her level of work.

Ruth Roman makes a strong impression in a small role as Ellen's one time friend made bitter by disappointment. She's not the nicest girl but she holds the viewer's attention whenever she's on screen.

Compently directed and richly appointed if you're a fan of this kind of conflict drama with romantic overtones this is a worthy investment of your time with a particularly vivid piece of work by Dorothy McGuire.
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