Highlights are the ending credits and...."It will begin AGAIN"
12 March 2014
Easily the worst movie I've ever seen and I've seen Manos, I've also seen Creeping Terror, Movies by Jerry Warren, Coleman Francis, Ed Wood, Ray Dennis Steckler, Jess Franco and Al Adamson but along with Snake People and Monster A GoGo this is the most horrific cinematic experience of my life.

The movie is something I'd imagine the Manson family would have liked to make. It all takes place at a Western amusement park. Features a bunch of hippies who squat there. The premise is a medical student inherits a 'ranch' (aka western amusement park, replete with a tiny plywood church). The student can't inherit the property unless he can show he can make a profit. His solution, get his hippie friends to go down there and live there. People will flock to the place. Painter, Ultra Violet (playing a millionaire burlesque queen, yes they can make millions doing that) and her boyfriend are the only people who show up.

As the "story" moves along, bad things happen to a few of the characters, even some deaths but the hippies seem to go on like nothing happened; not until a specific scene when they MUST care to further the plot. These clumsy scenes have alot dialogue dumped to try and manage that.

There's a rape scene fairly early on while a couple of the hippies smile over it while watching. Later on we learn that the couple sort of go together but it would be better making that clear before showing the scene. As it is, it looks like a rape scene and the "good guys" are watching and enjoying it.

Another thing I can't stand is after one of the hippies murders a man in cold blood right in front of everyone. Incidentially this murder happens with a knife in front of people armed with guns and whips. They all just sort of stand a round and watch. After we see this, one of the murderer's hippie friends refuses to bad mouth the guy or testify against him as if he were innocent. These are the hippies who are supposed to be the good guys in this??? What in the hell???

This somehow leads to the story's dramatic conclusion which is a stretch because nothing that points the finger to the character is shown in the movie. It's simply dumped on the audience in one scene and tossed out in a burst of dialogue! Awful.

If the story made more sense then....it would still be a technical disaster. The day for night looks like 3pm. The setting doesn't fit the reason why the ranch is valuable property and a western themed amusement park is not a damn ranch.

There's a couple funny things in it. The two characters who are supposed to be brothers show this by wearing matching outfits. I don't think that was intended to be amusing and the narration sounds like it's about to break out into a thunderous rendition of Monster Mash.

An absolutely wretched movie. At least in other bad movies you knew who to root for in those things. Here, every character is reprehensible.
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