Michael Smith nailed it
29 March 2014
I can't improve upon Michael Smith's review except to say that if you'll check the ratings of this absolutely finest example of documentary work I've ever seen in my life, you'll see that the murderers and perpetrators of this travesty, who work for the Department of Homeland Security (aka Department of Perversion of Justice), show their unrelenting criminality by requesting their close associates (their felonious partners in crime), reach out to extend their dishonesty and corruption just a little bit further, by asking them to come here and unanimously vote this absolutely superb documentary a "1".

Out of 104 IMDb User ratings, 79 gave it a "10", 8 gave it an "9", ONE gave it a "4", and 16 (evidently criminal employees and/or friends of the criminal DHS agents who tried to destroy Julia) gave it a "1" because they couldn't give it anything less!

IMDb might investigate and dismiss these BOGUS ratings.

Take note: there are no votes of 8,7,6,5,3 or 2.

These scoundrels participated in the murders of four innocent people and still refuse to give up their vicious and evil persecution of Julia and BJ Davis with yet another attempt to undermine and deny the truth.

All this was done to preserve the arrogant pride of Director Robert Bonner, who didn't want the nation to see the failure of the DHS to fail to process 23 men on July 4, 2004 (a day *marked* by Intelligence sources to be alert to an attempt to enter the U.S. from terrorist nations, obviously because he was concerned that it would be seen as his failure and he didn't want this scandal used as an opportunity to remind the nation of the Shuttle disaster and his name become a mocking song.

So, destroy Julia Davis to hide the DHS failure to be the watchdogs they're supposed to be.

Of course you understand, my remarks come from the the perspective that Director Bonner didn't really want the men in the country in the first place. If they were deliberately let in and deliberately not processed (because Mrs. Davis noted that the 23 should have already been processed when she showed up to work, though she never addressed this as an issue), then it's understandable why Robert Bonner wanted Julia Davis' credibility and reputation destroyed! She was a rogue agent actually trying to protect the nation!

This woman was persecuted with 54(!) BOGUS INVESTIGATIONS! Administrative Judge Daniel Leach was the first judge to find the agency's culpability "of an egregious sort" and Judge Stephen Larson said he was "amazed at what the government is not denying in the Davis case," while Judge Virginia Phillips said, "the Court holds that a reasonable fact finder could find the extreme nature of the search and raid of the Davises' Yucca Valley home was 'not proper in the regular conduct of the proceedings'..."

"...The sum total of these facts is sufficient to allow a fact finder to infer a retaliatory or malicious motive in the execution of the search..."

"...Plaintiffs have therefore produced sufficient evidence to allow a reasonable fact finder to conclude the August 2005 search was an abuse of process." The Court dismissed all charges against the Davises and ordered the government to return all evidence from two warrantless searches of Julia Davis' residence and BJ Davis' office.

Watch this video! You will be appalled, yet overjoyed to find that there were, out of dozens of EVIL government employees, a few and especially ONE honorable female judge who would not allow the criminals who worked for Robert Bonner to have their way.

Had George Bush been an honorable man, he would have FIRED those criminals (starting with Robert Bonner) in a heartbeat and told the Justice Department to prefer charges against them all!

The combined charges of all their many crimes would have left them to die in prison, if their sentences hadn't received an order for execution, which would have been just for the four people they murdered.

The continued criminality of the DHS is more than evident by the promotions of Kaufer and Deal, men whose CONFESSED AND Proved CRIMES (in a court of Law) SHOULD HAVE PUT THEM IN PRISON FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES!

It's shocking and so greatly disappointing that our government is so evil but this husband and wife team will be your heroes (if you've got a heart and any kind of scruples at all!)

You'll find this documentary to be one of your greatest video exhilarations! It's hard to call it a "feel good movie" because of the constant, grievous crimes of the many government representatives but when right wins out in the end, even after four completely unjustifiable murders by evil men in government, it is so exciting to see the one who did right get vindicated in the end!

Without question, 10 out of 10! Absolutely excellent, compelling and convincing. The details of the many crimes of Kaufer and Deal are lucid and simple in each documented and detailed explanation. There is no question why these criminal government employees did not appeal Roslyn Silver's rulings.

These guys are so guilty they should have been fired before the case was settled and U.S. Marshals should have been waiting to put them in jail the moment the case was over.
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