Some engaging moments but ultimately focus grouped schlock
17 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Xerxes, what happened to you man? You were a god but in this you are a milquetoast. You were such a great villain in the first movie like some giant flaming transvestite serial killing wizard out of Harry Potter's most embarrassing wet dream. But in this they turned you into some little dude that gets openly mocked by his general! The Xerxes of the first movie would have killed everyone within earshot and then used their ears to cushion the soles of his sandals.

More six packs, more oiled muscles, double the tough talking ladies compared to the first one (2!).

This video game level takes place on ocean world. That's about how the movie hits and just as memorable as seeing the umpteenth stylized trope played out. It comes across as pure exploitation pandering to the 20-something male crowd, at least as the suits that control the money imagine them to be. Basically they said "we must have MOARRRRR!!!" but forgot to include story or character development in that statement.

Sure there are a few nice fighting scenes, the look of the movie retains some of the cool effects from the first one. It just feels soul-less candy that is completely unfilling and rots your teeth. And it's not the good candy, it's the candy that's been on the shelves a little too long and you only eat it because you hope the next bite will be better than the last.

Digital blood in buckets, scowly faced yet perfectly manicured 3 day shadow beards, skinny as heck warrior woman that we are supposed to believe can kick ass let alone walk against a strong wind. Just too many obvious set pieces with nothing to make us care about any of it.

You want exciting sea battle stories? Look at Master & Commander or many other else-wheres. Skip this.
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