The Viking (1928)
SPOILER - Ending of Movie
29 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this fun movie and for the most part it was historically correct until the ending. SPOILER: The Vikings did NOT build the stone tower in Rhode Island which was built in 1700s. Proof of the Viking settlement came in 1960 (over 30 years after movie, 1928). Archaeological diggings of Vikings were found at northern tip of Newfoundland, Canada, at a now famous site called "L'Anse aux Meadows". Viking voyage to Newfoundland was in year 1,000 AD approx. After several years fighting with Indians and almost freezing to death, the Vikings gave up their North America venture. I saw Viking tools a few years ago on display in museum in St.John's in Newfoundland. SPOILER - there is no evidence that Vikings wore horns on their heads (although Helga makes a fashion statement with her head-dress). As Hitchcock famously said over a mistake an actor made - "it's only a movie".
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