Not as good as the original
11 May 2014
I get why this project was assigned to Chris Martinez. Regal films made Salawahan megged by Bernal in the 70's, who better else to remake this but Martinez? But then, why remake such a funny classic? I have to admit, while watching this on TV , I didn't know it was a remake, and the scenes were strangely familiar. In the restaurant scene when Domingo and Avelino left , I realized this was too much similarity to Salawahan. Boracay is a good choice as replacement for Baguio but all the others pale in comparison to the 1979 classic. Solenn is sexy and seemed to have done better than Sandy Andolong but the exchange of dialogue between Avelino and Solenn was ...uncomfortable. Maybe because Avelino did such a bad job. One good thing is that (maybe) younger people will be interested to see what the original looked like. So yes, go see the original, not this one.
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