Producers: Please Leave H.G. Wells, Jules Verne and ER Burroughs alone
1 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I can't speak for H.G Wells but I was pretty amazed that this mindless excess of big guns and explosions be promoted as a sequel to War of the Worlds. Maybe Public Domain isn't such a good thing after all. Beyond the bastardization of Wells original concept the sheer lack of understanding of basic film making 101, 1D characters, cheap Korean animation and ludicrous steroid pumped character designs results in what is essentially a film length ad to sell Goliath toys to a demographic of 7 to 12 year old boys and steam punk fans. Except it's not steam punk. It's hard to overlook one of the original promotions for the film advertised it as R rated with "sex in the cockpit". Classy. It's unfortunate considering many talented individuals contributed to the film.
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