Highlander: An Eye for an Eye (1993)
Season 2, Episode 5
fist epi after Tessa
3 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Richie, so "new" and love Mac as he smiles almost "father like" at him esp regarding being hungry. And Mac bought the DoJo because it was for sell, the funny truth, but Charlie is wanted to stay and run in, hot water heater is gonna cost Mac 450...

First time Richie "feels" another immortal besides Mac, and Mac know the woman, Annie, who was "after someone", she is still living like there is war and she is fighting it, as that was where Mac knew/knows her from, she still part of IRA. Mac "tries" to teach Richie but Mac is really not in the right mind to teach, as Annie is coming for Richie. The IRA gang she was/is with wanted to kill and a lot of others could have been killed either way, even with Richie and Mac getting in way and Mac tells Richie lucky only one died, whom Richie says deserved it, as he was part of gang, Mac points out you can not know another's heart. The 1 dead, was Annie's husband, and Richie, he comes in 2nd, he dies.

Annie's dive out the window, hmmm the why sums it up, but course they don't know, she'll be back. Love that Charlie sticks up for Richie, telling Mac off, then revealing the terrorist woman dead (well not but he don't know that). But kinda works as Mac says he was wrong, and they really need to train, as Annie has "escaped" but no cops are looking as they think she dead, so does the rest of the gang, guess didn't know bout immortals, did her husband ?, and still don't with the don't believe everything you hear.

Interesting sword training, well in show it is a matter of life and death as to knowing how to use, and hmmm how does Mac know her fav move ? hope she hasn't changed her mind bout it. Richie not ready to face her 1st time round, glad he finally got bike started, (love the "magicical appearing sword") and the out another window, though this time Richie and not that high, just enough to give a good bike jump and escape. Charlie will "train" but boy he confused with how Richie has healed so fast, and Mac goes to see Annie with a "bottle" and though some were angry the show did this, slept with her. We don't know the real length of time passed from Tess and we as humans, some need to have something to remind them they are still alive, we left behind need to live, though I wouldn't do what he did, have friends who needed to remind themself...Annie and Mac both lost loves an "lived". Annie still has some abandonment issues, even with Mac, and will cont in min...

Richie Charlie talking, but Charlie telling Richie similar to Mac and Annie, but both R and C grew up in bad neighborhoods, though Charlie for his reasons, chip on shoulder. Richie did not get Mac, out all night with her, hmmm don't think he got they slept together but did get that she is still after him. Charlie, still confused, as Richie takes off, saw sword gone and Macs damn, has know idea whats up, just something dangerous.

the cont...Richie goes to her, brave ?, well didn't want fear to rule his life, and Mac nothing he could do, "battle" started, but Richie, won, (primal yell was interesting) but couldn't kill her, Mac tells her that was it, her life was given, apt she listens, doesn't appear to come back again for Richie.

Richie thought he could kill, couldn't, realizes lots to learn, given his own sword, told might be his only friend make it part of him.
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