Review of Saltwater

Saltwater (2012)
9 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This may be the worst gay-themed movie ever made - which is saying a lot. I usually try to give lgbt movies a little leeway, because they often are small budget affairs. But this movie was unbearable. I gave up just short of 15 minutes in because I couldn't take it any more. The actors are fair, at best, but the characters are terrible, stereotypical and annoying. The writer and/or director didn't take the time to make the characters likable and important to us before they showed us the negative and unlikeable side of the characters. When the two leads started to argue, the dialogue was so bad and the delivery so poor, that I had to bail. the director and writer are so in your face and beating you over the head with their message, that they didn't take any time to develop the characters and build to their point. This is the first time I haven't been able to finish watching a gay-themed movie. sad.
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