13 July 2014
Intrigued by the rumors of what some have called the most transgressive film ever (in the reviews of Deadgirl (2008) and others), I watched A Serbian Film. I was expecting a cinematic version of the aristocrats joke and it did not disappoint in that area. However, I mentally numbed myself before watching so it's difficult to review the acting, storyline, realism, pace, etc. that I'd ordinarily pay attention to. I wrote 7/10, but I'm really just guessing.

Let's just say if you want to see some messed up stuff, check this movie out. There's gore, there's sex, there's sexual exploitation, rape, and the whole nine yards. Not date night fare.

More words: Milos is a pretty likable character, although you know early on that he didn't ask enough questions about the job. Not sure about the realism because I don't know much about Serbian culture. For example, the wife's casualness regarding her husband's old job (porn star). I suppose the casting is a bit unrealistic, as every woman in the movie between 18 and 50 looks like a supermodel even though only two of them are porn stars.
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