Suits (2011–2019)
Started out as a brilliant, promising idea, but it declined along the seasons
13 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I am writing this review while the series is on its fourth season, so I will try to avoid very specific spoilers for those who are about to giving it a chance. Even so, I have to refer to the development of plot lines, so if you are a beginner, perhaps it is better to stop reading.

Suits' Pilot was frankly very engaging and interesting in terms of characters and situations, bringing a new turn on "another lawyers' series". I loved it instantly. It was frivolous but witty and sassy, the dynamics between Mike and Harvey was magnetic, the production was elegant, and the constant threat of revealing a serious secret was a compelling argument to keep watching a show. It also had humor and certain characters (like Donna or Louis) added enriching details.

The series had a bright first season, in which Mike's ordeals and his master-disciple relationship with Harvey were at the center of the plot, and Mike's exceptional gift with memory played a fundamental part in the development of the plot line, justifying why the cheating was sustainable and why he could actually be an asset at the lawyers firm.

Suits maintained interest and quality in the second season, with other characters gradually becoming stronger and widening the plot.

But starting from the third season I started to observe a gradual decline in the plot line, and the exhaustion became conspicuous in the present, fourth season, the weakest of all so far, to the point that is has now, really, become "yet another lawyers' show".

Mike's exceptional abilities have completely disappeared from the action in seasons three and four, and now he has become a bland character with nothing standing him above any other ambitious young executive. Jessica's new romantic interest is utterly unbelievable and it has negatively weighed in the show. Louis has been portrayed as a clown in seasons 3 and 4, and instead of being funny, he has become anti-climactic and unbelievable. Donna's place as Harvey's "counsellor" has been overextended and her "knowing things in advance" is, in my opinion, overused as a clisé.

In short, the series had something different at the start, and it has veered into the road of losing its original allure and interest in a very noticeable way.

PD: Jessica's amazing wardrobe, though, is always a pleasure to appreciate. And yes, as others have remarked, all the female characters seem to be cut with a same stereotyped template.
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