Star Trek: The Devil in the Dark (1967)
Season 1, Episode 25
The Pizza of Death? A terrible "monster suit!"
26 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The "monster" in this case, is man, as nuclear miners unknowingly destroy hundreds of eggs from the burrowing monster called a "Horta". It resembles both a peperoni pizza and a plate of spaghetti and meatballs with yellow cheese poured over it. It obviously has a stuntman inside of it, creeping along. A good sci-fi concept somewhat made somewhat laughable by a really "cheesy-looking" rubber suit! Spock does a mind-meld with it and Dr. MCCoy repairs its mortal wounds with silicon patching cement! Not as bad as it sounds, but unintentionally funny to me. The Horta finds the appearance of man as revolting as its appearance is to us. The miners will now live in peace as the Horta and its millions of babies will now burrow mining tunnels instead of killing the miners with its corrosive acid. Too bad the budget wasn't bigger. The monster could have been more convincing!
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