Doctor Who: Deep Breath (2014)
Season 8, Episode 1
I liked the Doctor. Loathed the episode.
26 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I was vastly let down with the bulk of "Deep Breath." I feel this episode, all 120 minutes of it, only communicated two ideas: 1)"Please don't hate 12th Doctor." and 2)"Clara is much tougher and brighter than you think." That's it really! An hour and a half's worth of dialog and action summed up. The episode seemed without a core plot but rather snippets patched together. I can imagine a meeting of the head writers: "Okay team, the BBC gave us a content quota: dinosaurs, creepy Victorian era, a crying scene, and lesbian action*. I don't care how you wanna include it, fellas, just make sure it gets in the episode. Oh, and make sure the tone seems darker than last season..." I wanted to get to know this Doctor better and start on a new story arc. But I got a bunch of Madame Vastra/Jenny romance, Strax slapstick, and a villain heavy on macabre but light on actual cunning.

What is really disappointing is that I actually DO like the new Doctor, and Clara rose several notches in my esteem. I'm afraid I simply don't feel like having to sit through the poor storytelling and cheap thrills to enjoy them. Sorry Mr. Moffat, I just don't like it.

*I felt the suffocation/holding breath scene was a blatant excuse to have two females kiss. "Let me share my lungs with you" Oh. Come. On!
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