Review of Il Futuro

Il Futuro (2013)
flatlining heist flick
8 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Somnolent tale of a low voltage heist plot that offers potential for excitement in an unusual twist but sputters to a limp conclusion still born. Rutger Hauer as Maciste. an aged hulk of a washed up body builder/B movie actor who now lives alone in a suitably rundown mansion. Enter Bianca and Tomas, lately orphaned by their parents traffic death, sleepwalking through life until Tomas hooks up with a couple of body builders who move in with the siblings and amazingly turn out to be excellent cooks and housekeepers in contrast to Tomas and his sister. The plot then unfolds (finally) as the guests have a plan to rob Maciste of his money stash with Bianca the interloper who is to locate the goods. But Bianca turns out to have a soft spot in her heart for the old geezer and bails on the deal. The would be thieves then meekly move out without a fuss. The anticipated sexuality never really jells as Maciste is blind and gets his kicks by rubbing down Bianca with oil--all over. Bianca does make herself available to one of the house guests in a strictly physical affair and in a brief moment sizes up her handsome brother as he lies asleep in his jockey shorts One interesting angle are the film clips of a younger Maciste playing the role of Hercules or Samson which Bianca watches and then dreams about as the film attempts to make some kind of psychological connection. What sinks the film is utter detachment all display and even the usual historical monuments of Rome are not enough to make the film worthwhile.
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