Chix Chat on Film review: aMAZEing Adventure
21 September 2014
The future of the teen to twenties continues to have a consistent tone in science fiction and fantasy. Either grow up and be responsible or die! I know that is a bit harsh but The Maze Runner and others like the Hunger Games paints a bleak picture in general in which the adults in charge build a world in which the only objective for its youth is survival. The star of this thrill 'run', Dylan O'Brien (Thomas) has been on my radar for the past few years as I must admit Teen Wolf is one of my television viewing guilty pleasures. The past few seasons he has emerged as an amazing talent and really showcased his emotional range when possessed by the Nogitsune in season 3. He is quite convincing in this role. I knew I would see this film but hadn't decided upon IMAX until the day of, and I have to say it was worth it to experience it in the biggest and boldest format for a feature film. As someone who had not read the book, I came in with no preconceived notions about the fundamentals, like WTF a giant maze, really!?! Yes, the trailer does give an indication that it is a test of some sort, but still. So I was contemplating how long would it take for the story to divulge what's behind it all, but I wasn't bored nor was I left feeling neglected by being unfamiliar. The mystery of what was taking place was part of my fascination with this film, working things out along with Thomas. My excitement continued to ebb as I ventured into the maze with him and Minho (Ki Hong Lee) as did my trepidation. This was a good movie, not saying it was great, but I enjoyed it for its entertainment value. I'm usually big on the special effects which has a significant baring on whether I see a film on the big screen or wait for it to come to video, but in this case the effects were not the star, the actors were, which is how it should be done.
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