Z Nation (2014–2018)
Lots of gore, but not much more.
22 September 2014
It is not often I will give up on a series as quickly as I did this one, but it was just so bad, I only got half way through the second episode before giving up.

Other than lots of killing of zombies in all manner of bloody ways, the show has virtually no redeeming qualities whatsoever. None of the characters are likable in any way, shape or form, and the script is hollow and inconsistent.

In fact it is actually amazing how loathsome the cast are. How can the makers of this show expect to attract an audience when the viewer cannot invest with any of the lead characters. They really are that unlikeable that I wanted to kill them. However I just settled for switching off the show instead.

These are a group of human survivors who are strangers, with cars,food and weapons, who are on a mission to 'save the world' so to speak, and have joined together to do so,yet will not help any other survivors unless there is something in it for them. They really are a bunch of arseholes.

Another major issue I had was the inconsistent behaviour of the zombies. Zombies are not complicated creatures. See person eat person. Yet in the second episode while walking up stairs filled with zombies, two of the characters are brushing past them, yet hardly any zombies actually reach for them.

Another thing that annoyed me was when they were driving through zombies mowing them down. They left the windows down for God's sake.. Seriously, if you're going to be running over the undead, surely you have the sense to wind up your window so as you do not get splattered, and infected yourself.

Usually when I see a show as bad as this, I wouldn't trash it like this, as no matter what I may think, someone has gone to a lot of effort to produce it and deserves kudos for doing so. But this is one show that should never had gone to air. It is truly awful.

Indeed unless you are a zombie yourself, or at least have the same intellectual capacity as one, I'd steer clear, and perhaps spend the time doing some of those nasty chores you've been putting off. It will be more enjoyable, and they won't get in the way when all the good shows begin their new season in the coming weeks.
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