Once Upon a Time: A Tale of Two Sisters (2014)
Season 4, Episode 1
Assumingly for a ratings boost, the main cast of Frozen has come to Once Upon a Time.
29 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Let it be known I am seemingly in the minority who didn't find Frozen to be that good of a movie. Be it because I grew up knowing the classic Disney movies, or else the movie just doesn't hold a candle to the anime I watch, either way I did not at all understand the hype. However, it is hard to deny it has become the type of phenomenon that Disney used to routinely produce so, naturally, they are going to try to exploit the Frozen franchise for every dollar they can get. Which, sadly, includes putting it on this show.

Topic 1: Merlin's Hat? – Rumple & Belle

In the episode we watch as our former villains deal with an internal conflict which makes them want to seek revenge, and yet there remains a desire to not go back to who they used to be. For Rumple, a part of him wants so dearly to get revenge for Neal/ Baelfire's death, but then that would make his sacrifice in vain so he puts his feelings aside. Leading to his focus mostly being on Belle and their honeymoon in a house that has appeared in Storybrooke. One in which they sort of reenact the ballroom scene from Beauty & The Beast. However, rather than leave those two in marital bliss, we are reminded that Rumple still has his dagger, and with the discovery of what looks like Merlin's hat, it seems he may be thinking about dabbling into magic and, like Regina, he may look into changing the past for a better present.

Topic 2: The Search for Anna – Elsa (Georgina Haig)

From what it seems, the characters of Frozen are coming to Storybrooke and the time period we meet them is right after where the movie ends. Anna is planning for her wedding and in the process of Elsa finding their mother's dress, and waiting for Anna to put it on, she finds their mother's diary. A diary in which it seems their parents left out of fear of what Elsa was. However, due to Elsa seemingly not knowing how to fully read whatever written language they use in Frozen, we likely are given half the story in which Elsa thinks they left solely because they fear her, and not because they were looking for someone who could cure her, or help her control her powers, like Rumplestiltskin for example.

For with their parents heading off to The Enchanted Forest, known in their world as Mystic Haven, this pretty much comes off as the most likely reason for their travels. But with neither Elsa, Anna, nor the trolls knowing if that is fact, Anna decides to impetuously go on her own and find out the day before her wedding. Unfortunately though, a storm comes and we are left unsure if Anna was on her way back, or on her way to The Enchanted Forest, but with Elsa discovering in Mr. Gold's shop Anna's snow pendant, after causing some chaos with her snow monster, it seems Anna made it to The Enchanted Forest, but didn't make it back to Elsa.

Topic 3: Rewriting History – Regina

Leaving us with Regina. When the last season ended, Maid Marian returned, thanks to Emma, and it put a dagger in Regina's happiness. Something throughout the episode everyone fears will turn her evil again. Thing is, she doesn't necessarily want to become the town's most hated person again. If anything, she just wants the happiness which again and again has been stolen from her. So, in order to correct the cycle, she gets Sydney out of prison and asks for his help.

Now, the original idea was to have her former evil persona, back in The Enchanted Forest, kill Maid Marian so that technically the modern Regina wouldn't have a hand in it. However, as Elsa's snow monster nearly kills Maid Marian, despite no one seeing Regina there but Maid Marian, she decides to save her. An odd decision for, once again, only Maid Marian would have known for the snow monster knocked out Emma, Hook, Robin Hood, and David.

So, with Regina deciding killing the woman perhaps isn't an option she can do, or live with, she decides to focus on the heart of the issue: The book which binds every character's fate. In said book, villains, like Regina, are never allowed happiness. Well, Rumple maybe, but not Regina. So, rather than keep killing people, finding temporary happiness, and then having it taken away from her, she wants to find the writer and have that person change the story. An odd idea if just because, in theory, wouldn't that mean she has to meet their version of god? Still, with her sick and tired of losing her happy ending, it seems she can't just deal with mere mortals anymore, but go up the chain of command.
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