Once Upon a Time: A Tale of Two Sisters (2014)
Season 4, Episode 1
Absolutely Lackluster, and an utter disappointment from the Frozen "cast"
2 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I just cannot get over the poor acting of the new characters, the weak story line, and just the general sporadic-ness of this episode. The casting, in my opinion, was done without much thought to keeping the characters true to their personalities in the movie. I kept waiting for it to get better. I kept waiting for the actors to show emotion. The only parts that were actually good were the scenes not involving any characters from Frozen (the original show cast was amazing, as usual, which is why I am giving this episode a 4 instead of a 1).

I wanted to give an honest opinion so people could read a review WITHOUT spoilers, so they don't waste their time if they choose not to invest 45 minutes on....well....not much of anything.

A HUGE disappointment. I cannot imagine I'm the only one who thinks so.
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