Stargate SG-1 (1997–2007)
I grew up with this series
9 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
on stargate I could say hundreds and hundreds of things . I grew up with this series and I've always adored .

If I had to push someone to watch this series I would not know where to start ...

Maybe I 'd start talking about the concept. A series sci-fi , but with some differences compared to the other (Star Trek at all). Stargate is set in the present , not a future or in a distant galaxy , they are our contemporaries who are confronted with aliens.

Then maybe I would speak of the change of the series, the first series in which the main theme was the exploration of worlds to the later seasons , when the individual episodes become more a succession of phases of a larger story .

I'd also note the various xenology, with goau'd : parasites at the head of a feudal system galactic, ancient, superior beings of energy alone, the genius of the Asgard , the peaceful but powerful Nox, and so in addition to these main dozens of other species are very different and well characterized .

How not to talk about the characters, made ​​really well, never too overdone , with real human relationships and not forced. I've always loved Samantha Carter for his strength and genius knows, and Daniel Jackson, cause be so idealistic and good - guy . Of course I also have a soft spot for McCay , the main character of the spin-off of SG1 ... and then Jack , the hero may not always loyal to the military hierarchy but who fights for what he believes right, and Teal'c, the classic Allienus of series sci-fi that is fighting for the rebellion of his people.

Finally, I also enjoyed the science behind the series, from a basic idea that was inspired by the bridges of Einstein-Rose, to the extra dimensions, the blacks holes, the collapsing time, and also the elementary particles, hyperspace, a good mix of scientific concepts and science fiction concepts enough depth in the series and always highly appreciated

Just one last thing, look at it, it will not be a masterpiece but I see all at least once a year with pleasure! In my opinion ( of course is just a subjective judgment) 10/10
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