Review of Lucy

Lucy (I) (2014)
Luc Besson is the Michael Bay of France
16 October 2014
Spectacle over substance. Not much more to say. It's a fun completely brain dead romp of CGI, explosions, and goddess of war woman kicking tail. It is unintentionally funny in many scenes mainly due to the complete lack of any sort of internal logic coupled with an almost Matrix Revolutions level of self pretension and the very wooden acting of the lead character that I can only assume is per direction. This is one of Luc Besson's better recent films but honestly that's not saying much.

"1 + 1 does not equal 2" <--- This is supposed to be a deep quote.

LOL, OK, Luc. Lots and I mean LOTS of psychobabble wrapped in pseudo scientific language. The crafting of the movie is very good but the art behind it is pure dreck.

And then there is... "I'm not sure mankind is ready for it.", that ol' sci-fi movie trope.

This is totally worthy of a parody audio dub if it hasn't been done already, but at the same time it is quite a bit of fun nonsense. If you can squint your brain vision hard enough through the silliness of the whole thing then what's left is worth a Saturday matinée. And of course the lead character is a draw simply because of her looks.

Morgan Freeman should get an Oscar for this, managing to say the lines he does with a straight face and actually pulling off a seemingly real person. Pretty much all the other characters are basic archetypes.
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