Arrow: The Magician (2014)
Season 3, Episode 4
The Storm Is Coming
29 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Arrow has been on a hot streak the first few episodes of the third season, so it isn't entirely surprising that they finally have a bit of a misstep in the 4th episode. It had a lot of great particular moments that we have been anticipating for months and months, and even years. But I cant help but think that the actually presentation of the moments wasn't as great as in past episodes.

A couple of very interesting things were revealed this episode. To me the most surprising thing was that Malcom knows about Oliver's Lian Yu prison. Could this mean that by season's end we could see Malcom find a way to release Slade from the prison of some sort? Because it's pretty clear that this season will focus on the League and Malcom. But the major driving force of the season is still going to be finding out who killed Sara and why. I would guess the writers have narrowed that down by now considering they are likely filming episode 10 or 11 at this point. My guess still falls with Talia Al Ghul. Knowing her killer was someone Sara knew means it's likely a member of the League and for the shows sake it's probably someone we haven't met yet.

I actually really liked the Roy-Thea combination this week. Roy has really grown on me since the first season and I'm glad that they are giving him more character depth than previous seasons. Laurel's few scenes were forgettable and we didn't get too much Felicity considering she was mostly in Central City. This leaves us with the two very big moments. Both of them weren't all that memorable. I think back to when Oliver found out about Sara being alive, Laurel seeing Sara alive in her parents arms, Malcom's return, Moira telling the Lance's that Sara was on the boat, or Slade surprising Oliver in his home and how big and memorable these moments were. Seeing Oliver finally realize Malcom is still alive and getting our first glimpse of Ras were supposed to be series changing moments. Instead they were borderline forgettable. Don't get me wrong the episode was still solid but season 2 was so great at simple dialogue between characters that made every moment bigger than the last. I just couldn't help but wanting more with the character moments this week.

Now that we have the league officially this season I really hope to see flashbacks to Sara training, or just some way of bringing her back into the show, she is truly missed.

+Oliver vs The League is coming

+Oliver being clueless

+Roy & Thea

+Malcom knows about the prison!

-Missing Felicity

-BIG moments didn't deliver

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