Review of Milk

How I Met Your Mother: Milk (2006)
Season 1, Episode 21
Barney Stinson Makes This Show
19 November 2014
Plot In A Paragraph: Marshall gets himself into an office war between Barney and some guy named "Clark Butterfield" a guy in an opposite building, in which the guys do all kinds of gross things to each other. Elsewhere It's Ted's 28th birthday and he is about to find the perfect girl, since the matchmaker he once hired to find him a partner has found him the perfect match. When he is about to meet her for the first time, Lily calls him because she is in trouble.

I have figured out the best episodes feature Neil Patrick Harris's Barney Stinson heavily, and this is no exception.. I'm not thrilled with the Lily having doubts story and hope it blows over as I think they are a lovely couple with both Segel and Hannigan playing well off each other.
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