Wood's Finale
8 January 2015
The Young Marrieds (1972)

** (out of 4)

Ben (Louis Wolf) spends most of his time at the strip club or picking up hookers for sex because his wife Ginny (Alice Friedland) just isn't exciting to him anymore. While she's a hot woman, she's quite boring in the sack but Ben brings a camera into the bedroom one day, which turns her on and soon the couple are experimenting with new items to get them in the mood.

THE YOUNG MARRIES was released in 1972 and was the final film directed by the cult favorite Edward D. Wood, Jr.. Sadly, it went missing soon after it was first shown and was lost for decades until a print turned up in a yard sale. This film is certainly a lot different than Wood's previous ventures into the genre. Both NECROMANIA and NYMPHO CYLCER just dabbled in the hardcore stuff but this here pretty much goes full into the genre. I think fans of Wood might be a little surprised to see how graphic this one is because it's certainly a full hardcore picture.

Being as its full hardcore, I must admit that I do question how much of it Wood directed or if perhaps someone else was calling more shots. I say this because there's really nothing here that looks like a Wood film. The "money shots", something missing from the other two films, are on full display here and there's a lot more movement with the camera making sure to pick up all the sexual views. Perhaps Wood just learned more about the genre since his last two pictures but either way, this thing might have just been the director doing something new.

Either way, for the most part it's a slightly entertaining hardcore picture. The performances are actually a little bit better than you'd expect and there's no question that Friedland is fun and attractive in her role. The cinematography is also better than you'd expect. The film actually started off reminding me of the director's GLEN OR GLENDA? because we get a narrator being way too dramatic as he explains various things we're seeing. Just wait until you hear what the narrator says during the first segment between the husband and the hooker.

THE YOUNG MARRIEDS was thankfully found for fans of the director to enjoy. It's certainly unlike anything else that he did throughout his career and it's more professional look makes one wonder why he didn't do more films in the genre after this one.
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