T3: A Neon Turkey
14 January 2015
If you go into Thankskilling 3 expecting anything like what you got out of the first film you will be incredibly disappointed, maybe even confused. Of course Turkie, the antagonist from the first film, returns to spread as much horror, gore & death as would be expected, but this time the world in which his terror transpires is a much more foreign place. To T3's credit, the world it paints is extremely original... Filled with colorful sets, clever lighting, pulse pounding beats and creative characters and puppets that even Jim Henson would most likely give nod to. Unfortunately those aforementioned pluses are the only things T3 has going for it this time around.

The plot is simple. The blood thirsty, mayhem starved Turkie receives news that the original sequel to his first film, Thankskilling 2, is being pulled and ultimately destroyed. Determined to not let his life's work disappear forever, Turkie grabs his son and sets out to find the last remaining copy. Immediately the film jumps off the rails, introducing character after character, each carefully imagined and constructed but none that add any real substance to the story. Random and potty humor is thrown against the wall like rapid fire and very little of sticks at all. It very quickly becomes extremely exhausting to be the viewer, very similar to keeping up with a toddler. This makes what bright points the film does have almost impossible to truly enjoy.

Director Jordan Downey obviously has some talent... What he needs is an editor. T3 is ultimately a mess. The audience this film will find will certainly be significantly smaller than it's predecessor. I'm also willing to bet that the age of that audience will drop as well
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