Story is so lacking
29 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This film has a good budget and good actors,sorry this was story was just so poor and the bad guy killer was a joke , not scary in the least. As I said the actors are all good solid performances , filming is good , soundtrack etc is fine. But for gods sake when you make a horror film please make the bad guy scary otherwise what is the point . The story is basic and nothing you will remember , it's gonna be a straight to TV film for me. Whats sad in my eyes is the director and actors did a good job , they got it right , except for the key character , the bad guy. He shouldn't have been wearing such a silly mask and should have had a sinister presence . He was dressed in a silly batman cape or something . Just silly. If they had just altered that one part where the man had a silly costume and acted just way to pantomime bad guy then the film would've been OK. Sorry but this could have been fixed and surely if there was honesty on the films set dozens of people would've said "that outfit looks camp , it's just not even vaguely scary" and then they could have fixed it. A black cape and a camp sparkly mask does not frighten someone , it looks comical.
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