Review of Alone

Alone (IV) (2013)
Well done for an indie film.
19 February 2015
I had a chance to see this film as part of a film festival that I was judging in January of 2015. I am not sure what the other "reviewers" were talking about, but they seem to not realize what indie filmmaking is all about. There are no multi-million dollar budgets or elaborate sets. You work within your limitations.

I found this to be an enjoyable film, that works within its budget limitations quite well. Yes, 99% of the film takes place within a single set, namely the main character's house. I personally think the director, Rory Abel and the DP did a great job, as it much have been very challenging to film an entire movie in the same confined space. At the same time, it gave the viewer a sense of what was going on inside the main character's mind, making us feel as trapped as he must have felt. The whole point of the film is that he is trapped in his home because of mental illness, so if you don't understand why the whole movie takes place in his house, you are missing the point entirely.

I thought the acting was satisfactory, especially Michael Jefferson in the lead role. We really got to see this guy unravel in the wake of his wife's death. Survivor guilt is the main theme, and we witness the toll it takes on his psyche. I personally liked how it became difficult to figure out what was real and what was not as the film progressed, which again, mimics what might be going on inside the mind of someone going through a serious mental illness.

The wife and girlfriend characters were very good as well, but, if I am being completely honest, the "best friend" character was a little weak and more of a distraction that I would have liked, but that is a very minor complaint.

Overall, I thought that was a very good indie film. I thought the acting, writing and direction were all up to snuff. Again, being fair, there are times when it slows down and drags a bit but this is another very minor complaint, and there is no such thing as a perfect film.

If you have a chance to see "Phobia", you should.
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