Review of Boyhood

Boyhood (I) (2014)
An experiment gone 99% right
19 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Its nice to see that movies can still be critically acclaimed by the media and still be enjoyed by the general public. Boyhood is a movie that can be enjoyed by the whole family. It had to believe that a project like this could be pulled off over 12 years. Ellar Coltrane was great throughout this movie. It would be neat if this movie is the only thing he does. He really shows what its like to be a growing male. I found many aspects of his life that we similar to events in my own life. The one problem I find with his character, Mason is that he gets a little too smart for me later on in the film and I really don't need to hear any in depth conversations about the meaning of life and such. Young people don't really think like that anymore, or at least not mass quantities of them. Ethan Hawke was great also as the father. I'm going to say that this is the best thing he's ever done. Ethan Hawke is a bad that you wish everyone had. Richard Linklater has pulled off a movie that has captured a point in time and although it may not be relevant forever it will be one of the most significant movies of this period of time. Linklater even did so while casting his own daughter with little experience in one of the lead roles. I would be 100% happy with Boyhood winning best picture this year and I wouldn't be shocked if it does.
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