Plague Town (2008)
Pointless . . .
21 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The director and producer seem to have thought that explicit gore would carry this movie, rather than any storyline. From the first few minutes, one sees a Priest getting a fire poker lodged in his brain -- explicitly -- with the lodger of said poker then -- again, explicitly -- jostling the poker around in the Priest's head because it's gotten stuck. Simple "gore for gore's sake." Disgusting; unnecessary.

You see, apparently, the women of this small Irish town have started giving birth to deformed, evil (how would they know?) babies. The Priest keeps killing the newborns off, but the wielder of the poker decides that enough is enough. He kills the Priest, saying: "Shorry, Fadder! We've got to live which arr fate [ . . . or, some such]." That statement turns out to be nothing but a part of the general slew of meaningless nonsense that is in this film.

A town plagued with deformed babies? A town plagued with evil babies? A town plagued with both deformed and evil babies? . . . WHO KNOWS? The tag for the movie reads: "It's in the blood." Yet, this is a reference . . . to what, in particular, in the movie? Is blood needed for something? Or, are the evil kids infected?

The story's incomprehensible: Why are the kids deformed? Why do the village's inhabitants act like wackoes? What does the thin, white- skinned girl have to do with anything? What IS the "Plague" (i. e., is it the deformity or the desire to kill)?

And, also: Could someone, please, explain the significance of the masks? Why do the children wear them? Why do they sometimes not wear them?

Who is the white-skinned girl? What's her purpose?

In the interviews in the "Extras," the Director says that the killing is like playing for the children. So, . . . they're just PLAYING? Are you kidding me? That attempt at an explanation reveals to me, that once the filming got started he had absolutely no idea in which direction to lead the film. Hence, the reliance on pointless gory scene after gory scene.

Not worth your time -- even for the gorehound.
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