Review of Viper

Gotham: Viper (2014)
Season 1, Episode 5
An improvement on last week.
4 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
An interesting episode overall, some good developments in several story lines. The links between Wayne Enterprises and Gotham's underworld are starting to become visible as Master Wayne starts to develop his detection skills; the manner in which Alfred is finally converted to his cause being well handled, though I'm not sure I like the idea that Venom is in fact a Wayne Enterprises product, nor that it will have existed for over a decade by the time the Batman begins his crusade. Selina's all-too brief appearance this episode was one of the highlights, the skills she will employ as Catwoman already well developed; it's high time she and Bruce encountered each other! The police work this week was a little less by-the-numbers, nice to see the cops do some detective work rather than have things spelled out for them. I still think placing Edward Nygma in the GCPD crime lab was a terrible idea, but there's still time to fix this by making him E Nygma senior! Jada Pinkett Smith's 'acting' seems to get worse from week to week, as a major plot driver, this is a very bad thing! As for her 'weapon' against Falcone, if he's too dumb to figure out that he's being lured into a honey trap, maybe he IS ready to be overthrown. I'm looking forward to next week's episode, but I'm still not completely sold yet.
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