DeadHouse (2005 Video)
Had the makings of a good film, but let down by poor sound quality
8 March 2015
The premise for this film is one that has been seen on numerous occasions. Hey, this is not a criticism and I really do not mind films being rehashed time and again to feed my pleasures !!!

Three teens are on vacation, they pick up a hitchhiker and the get stuck in some mud off road. They need to get help, so end up in a deserted house where a couple of serial killers reside.

OK I know you are yelling, "this sounds like the Texas chainsaw massacre, minus the chainsaw" and that would be a fair comment to make, as I did feel that it had some similarities. The main protagonist is a man in a mask (this time a clown one) and the scene is set for similar horrors. However I thought this had the potential to be quite brutal, as the situation the teens found themselves in was indeed horrific, but the horrific element was never really followed through.

There was one thing that really grated on me and that was the sound quality. When characters spoke, on a lot of occasions, you really could not hear what they were saying, so I may have missed some plot development.

Not a total waste as it did keep me entertained for the 80 minutes screen time. Good title song by The Rezmen "Song 13". Very good poster also for the DVD.
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