Q - Who is David Long?
31 March 2015
A- Possibly the most likable psychopath in the history of cinema.

I don't watch horror movies to see people survive. I like a good killer that I can root for. Usually that means a unique killing style or good one liners. Sometimes a killer can be impressively devious or have so much personality you have to like him. It's very rare in horror to see a performance that makes you genuinely like the character as a person. David Long is a psychopath you could go bowling with. He seems like a fun guy. I mean, yeah, he kills people, but it's okay. That's just David.

Kristi Ray is the perfect compliment. She's a little damaged by circumstance, but still a pure sparkling soul that would be irresistible to any goodhearted homicidal maniac.

Joe Stauffer is definitely a director to look out for. This movie isn't just good for an indie film. It's a masterpiece. The performances, cinematography, writing, every aspect is top notch. It hits every note that a movie should hit. It's twisted, but also sweetly romantic. It's an art film. It's funny. I mean, if all you want is 'splosions this isn't for you, but if you want to see a well-executed original film that will stick with you, this is it.
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