Blue State (2007)
Really Enjoyed,'s NOT a comedy...
21 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I originally saw this movie a few years ago off Netflix, but wanted to check it out again the other day since I don't think I really gave it full attention the first time around. I do remember enjoying what I had seen.

Set in 2004, Breckin Myer stars as a very idealistic liberal-minded young American who promises (like such left-wing celebrities as Alec Baldwin and some others did) to move to Canada if George W. Bush is elected. LOL The movie starts out more as a comedy- I was actually laughing quite a lot at the beginning, but be warned- this is NOT a comedy. I was seeing a lot of user comments saying this same thing. After about the first 15 minutes, it's more a straight-up drama.

Well anyway, we all know the outcome of the 2004 election, so Myer's character (unlike most of those celebrities) decides to go through with his promise, and he looks up a site for Americans who want to marry a Canadian (mostly for healthcare reasons), so he can obtain Canadian citizenship. He finds a woman, and takes off on a road trip up north. On the way, he meets a young woman (Anna Paquin) evading military duties, and they make the rest of the trek together, and form an interesting little budding relationship.

I read several comments about this film that it paints liberals (and Canadians LOL) in a not-so-positive light, but I really don't think it does. Yes, there is some hypocrisy, but overall the film showed the main character as someone who wanted change, but ultimately realized bailing out was not the way to do so-?? A great scene occurs near the end of the film when he meets an older American living in Canada who left to avoid being drafted into the Vietnam war. Eventually, this guy admits- hey, I was just trying to save my own ass! LOL Well, I highly recommend this little film- I think both liberals and conservatives (and Canadians! LOL) can get something out of this. I don't think either side is really painted in an all-too-negative -or- positive light. Just gives you some good thinking material. And again, do NOT go into this film as a comedy, as the way it was marketed. It's just a quirky little serio (semi- comedic) indie dramatic flick or whatchamacallit-?? LOL
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