America is not a shining paladin
26 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Someone compared Chris Kyle with Tarantino's German sniper, one of the important characters of Inglorious Basterds who symbolized the nazi propaganda glorifying its Third Reich.

I couldn't agree more with this association about both soldiers.

Although Fredrick Zoller, the Tarantino's sniper, is a fictionalized character apparently inspired by another fictionalized character (an American hillbilly sharpshooter from Howard Hawks' Sergeant York, or/and by a real Austrian sniper, Matthäus Hetzenauer), as much as Chris Kyle was indeed a real person (and American Sniper is a tribute to Chris Kyle's autobiography), both snipers had served propaganda regime agendas, and their respective integrities were inflated on their testimonies as in every war heroes, to promote war for political purposes... since Proto-History, at least.

The difference is one movie uses the soldier as a satire and the other as a glorification but both focus on justifying the stage of war with patriotism, heroism and comradeship diluting the rational interpretation of war itself.

Simplifying, at the end of this intellectual roller coaster journey about pro or contra arguments which this movie pretends to state about war, one is certain: war is justifiable if not to backup and respect the bond between your "brothers in arms". Well... nope. The valorous feelings a soldier might have with his comrades don't necessarily correspond to the political agenda of War itself. His valour does not equal to "the" valour of War.

Because I don't buy simplistic arguments, I give one awful star against the gratuitous promotion of violence, stupidity, absurd blinded patriotism, ignorance, lack of questioning, arrogance and imperialism. Specially because I like Clint Eastwood and because he's supposed to be an example of wisdom, a cultural symbol, a... well, a sort of utopian faded memory of what half America was before it became a corporatist separated continent chronically corrupted:

Everything which stands against America's Declaration of Independence, Justice and Liberty for All, sadly transforming ideals into crap and propaganda those which we've learnt and assimilated as ideological true, not political agendas or corporatist interests!

For the ones that simply didn't follow Iraq War, or simply had a restrict perspective about it and were "pushed" by their apathy to consent it, "Colateral Murder" exposed the banality of massacring Iraqi lives (out of a danger zone); the outcasting "execution" of Bradley Manning showed what happens to someone who's ideologically truthful and stands against what is wrong and therefore against the instituted powers; the war itself against the non existent evidence about nuclear warfare, against the demonstration of a progressive willingness of Saddam Hussein with UN inspectors showed the imposing standing of USA against everyone. The lunatic association about 9/11 and Iraq put a cherry on top.

Shame on hypocrisy and inconsistency and please, instruct yourselves before having a mass opinion about things. Be critical, skeptical, and above all rational.

Don't make mistakes, I sincerely love The critical America I just can't stand bull-evacuation.
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