Star Trek: Enterprise: Babel One (2005)
Season 4, Episode 12
Part one is actually better than part two....but then there is part three.
30 May 2015
This is a very interesting episode because it helps to build the foundations of the Federation--something that you know is coming soon for the human race and their new friends. It's also one that hearkens back to one of the original "Star Trek" episodes--"Journey to Babel", which also features many of the same races.

The show begins with the Enterprise taking a Tellarite ambassador to a meeting on Babel in order to try to work out their ongoing hostilities with the Andorians. However, soon after, an Anrdorian ship, Shran's, is destroyed and the Enterprise is called to rescue the survivors. Here's the problem--the attacking ship seemed to be Tellurite!! Naturally this makes the upcoming peace conference nearly impossible--and Shran and the Ambassador are ready to kill each other!

When you see these shows, it's really sad, as this new plot is wonderful and would have been great had the show not been prematurely canceled. Who knows where all this might have gone? Unfortunately, the episode is a great case of just coming too late. Sad because it's so well written and interesting.
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