Most Haunted (2002–2019)
In a 'haunted' house, everyone can hear Yvette scream.
6 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Even though I am a complete skeptic regarding ghosts, I have watched this show for years, probably since it was first broadcast in the UK. I especially like watching the episodes that take place in abandoned or empty buildings such as old cinemas.

One thing I find most bemusing is, despite being professional ghost hunters, is how much screaming takes place, especially from Yvette, who leads the ghost hunt.

Without fail, during each episode at some stage, especially when they are using night vision and little can be seen, something will happen, usually off screen and Yvette will begin screaming and running away. This will generally initiate a general five minutes of mayhem, with the rest of the crew joining in the panic.

After over 13 years of ghost hunting, you would think that Yvette has hardened up a bit and not run at the first sign of a ghost actually showing up. The poor ghosts must be so confused. They are asked to show a sign and then when they do, everyone runs away.
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