Sin of Innocence (1986 TV Movie)
A very good movie ab out a love story
9 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am french and i watched this TV movie in France in the nineties and never really forgot it..I watched it again recently on the net with the same pleasure even if i grew up . All the members of this movie are good and the story is unusual but not incestuous at all. Two teenagers Tim a cool guy and Jenny a smart and cute girl become slowly attracted to each other after a difficult beginning because their parents decided to marry and live together.They are supposed to be siblings but they are not actually.Their love is very strong and sincere and i cannot see the sin in their attitude except the fact that they fell in love and live in the same house..but why would they be punished for that? They are not kids. I felt very sad at the end because we don't know what will happen even if i guess that nothing is impossible and that Tim will see Jenny again a year or 2 later.Why would their feelings change? Anyway this movie is enjoyable and we can see that Jenny and especially Tim hide his passion and desires for Jenny since the beginning..
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