Sums up everything bad about 80s teen films
12 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Inexplicably hailed as a cult classic, when I first saw this atrocious film I was the same age as the main characters (but not the same age as some of the actors playing them. Judd Nelson looks all of his 26 years). It seemed empty and utterly false then and 30 years on it looks even worse. It's on TV right now, the characters are impossible to like or care about and the script is arguably the worst thing John Hughes ever wrote (he never wrote anything good but this garbage screams to be taken seriously without doing anything to earn the right).

Some people like this movie because it reminds them of teenage rebellion. I hate it because it has nothing honest or interesting to say about people of any age. No character says or does anything believable, and the hasty boy-girl pairings shoehorned into the final five minutes come out of absolutely nowhere (the "prettying up" of Ally Sheedy's token weird girl to make her an acceptable make-out target is particularly baffling).

This film has no insight, no truth, no entertainment value and no point. Everyone involved should have been given Saturday detention for life.
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