Easily, far and away, the absolute worst movie, ever made.
13 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Awful is putting it politely. The worst acting, the worst directing the worst actors, the worst script, the worst special effects, the worst sound dubbing, the worst lighting, the worst make up. If there was an award for the worst of everything this movie would win in all categories. From start to finish, the entire movie doesn't make sense. A guy who works for an organization that does fracking in Oregon is being threatened by some unknown computer hacker guy on the other end of a cellphone, who turns out to be some dude he was mean to in high school? Who then kidnaps his daughter and dies at the end, because somehow the seemingly inescapable house is escaped by his friend and his estranged wife and kills the guy in an unexplained plot twist? Its like the whole movie is a big middle finger to the industry. As if to say "Look how badly we can waste your money!" This "film" shouldn't be watched by anyone and the director should kill himself.
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