Review of Sesh Anka

Sesh Anka (2015)
A must watch Bengali thriller
14 July 2015
to begin with, the very commendable fact about this movie is that it is an original concept and the writer (Sanjib Banerjee) had the guts to pull away from adaptations and introduce a new character Pranoy Dasgupta, retired advocate. Pranoy is an original creation and the writer delivers in spades in creating a new possible franchise character that can stand shoulder to shoulder with Feluda, Byomkesh and Shobor. Unlike the others, Pronoy is an elderly gentleman at the autumn of his life, trying to find bliss in extracurricular activities that take up his time. Pronoy is dragged into a case by his former colleague and pupil Amrita Banerjee (June Maliah) where her god-daughter Raina Roychowdhury (Parno Mittra) has been prosecuted for manslaughter. Raina is the daughter of famous business tycoon Ritabrata Roychowdhury (Shankar Chakraborty) a deplorable character who is ready to abandon his daughter for the sake of his reputation and status. But how Raina became involved in this dubious world of escort service, drug abuse and even international mafia? When Pranoy bites into this dark layer cake, like a true epicurean he is hell bent on finding the hidden ingredients. Pranoy is joined by headstrong, easy to anger but equally sharp young cop Prithwiraj (Samadarshi Dutta) and the enigmatic man of many faces, investigator and police informer John Braganza (Mir Afsar Ali). What follows is a tour-de-force through the murky depths of corporate espionage, flesh trade, narcotics and even international crime. Is Raina truly innocent? If so why was she framed and who is behind the black curtains pulling the strings of the myriad shifty characters skittering throughout the story? To know the answers Shesh Anko is a must watch.
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