Mr. Robot: eps1.6_v1ew-s0urce.flv (2015)
Season 1, Episode 7
Slow and dramatic, yet surprisingly engrossing.
5 August 2015
This was certainly a change of pace from last week's thriller episode. But the writing was so stellar that it was still oddly transfixing. When the episode ended, I thought -- that's it? But, the more I think about it, the more it grows on me.

Angela arranges a meeting with Terry Colby. He immediately demonstrates what an a**hole he is. Then, later in the episode, he and Angela share one of the most stunning scenes. While only a simple conversation, the writing and acting of the scene makes it quietly imposing, and possibly one of my favourites in the series so far.

Tyrell's world seems to be falling apart. Early in the series, he seemed to be the one who was controlling everything, a truly powerful person. Now, everything is being stripped away, and he continues to demonstrate his inability to deal with this turn of events. This leads him to do something truly crazy. At first, I HATED the soundtrack they were using for this scene. I thought it was silly and didn't fit at all with the show's tone. Howeverr, they ended up using it for a neat disillusionment moment, so I can begrudgingly accept it.

Not much progress is made towards the end goal this episode. In fact, it seemed to focus on re-assembling the team from mistakes made in previous episodes. Hopefully this means that the rest of the episodes will take a stronger focus on the hacking. The end scene was another great dramatic scene.
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