Milltown Pride is truly a great baseball movie!
14 August 2015
Milltown Pride is truly a wonderful baseball movie! The story is about a young man, Will Wright, who grows up during the depression. Unlike most families at that time, his family is in the small percentage, which is very wealthy. The prejudice between the rich and the poor is very bad in this era, and Will's father forbids him to play baseball with the poor kids on the other side of the track.

Young Will can't understand why his father is mean in this way. Will meets Chick, one of the less fortunate boys and the children really like one another, and play baseball together. Most of the mill boys like Will on their team, but Chick's brother, Pike rejects and hates him! Pike is resentful and jealous, because Will has everything, which he doesn't have.

As the boys become teenagers, the sweet bond between Will and Chick grow stronger, and Chick encourages Will to work at the mill, so he can join the mill baseball team. Will is excited about this opportunity to advance his skills in baseball, which he really loves to play! When Will's dad finds out, he is enraged. He wants Will to go to college, like the older son, who is studying to become a minister. Will says that he wants to be a professional ball player. Well, the father is furious and tells Will that he might start drinking and then become an alcoholic, too! He warns Will, and tells him, that many players drink and that they will persuade him to do this. Will tells his dad, that this will not happen.

As the hurt son packs his clothes to leave home, and heads out the door, his sad mother tries to change his mind. When she cannot, the mom sweetly gives him a little money and tells him, "Promise me that you won't drink." Will promises her, that he will not do this. However, later on, he gives into peer pressure, and drinks. Then, he becomes an alcoholic! This hurts a lot of people around him and terrible things happen!

Milltown Pride is a movie about prejudice and people making wrong choices, and then hurting themselves, as well as others, because of these. This is, also, a baseball movie, that shows how love can change a heart and make a wonderful difference! The movie climax shows Chick leading Will to Christ.

After Will becomes saved by Jesus, many wonderful changes happen in his life and these make a wonderful difference in others as well. The baseball movie is entertaining, meaningful and uplifting!
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