Milltown Pride - a great gift for baseball fans!
20 August 2015
If you enjoy baseball and moral, entertaining movies, I think that you'll love Milltown Pride! This movie would make a great gift for baseball lovers! This film would, also, delight others, who desire Christian entertainment that has a happy ending! This movie appealed to me, too, because it is very wholesome. There isn't any swearing, or deafening noise (crazy music) unlike most movies that are on the market! I agree with another reviewer, that we need more movies, like Milltown Pride, that are NR rated, or G rated.

Milltown Pride is a witnessing movie and was well made. The depression era movie accurately showed how folks lived back then. If you were a child during the 1920s, or 1930s, or if you have a parent or grandparent that grew up at that time-frame, then you will like this movie. Watch Milltown Pride and view the challenging but, also, sweet things of this era.
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