Completely predictable and utterly stupid.
18 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched hundreds of horror movies and I can tell you that this film is very predictable. When I finished watching this I felt as if it could have been much better than it actually was. The actors were fine if nothing else, annoying characters. I could not wait for donkey to die and when he did I predicted the penis being removed by the giant blade wielded by "charlie". Every single death was lovely and Gory.

I do love the nod to Kane Hodders other character "Jason" from Of Friday The Thirteenth series. Is that you Jason..yup I approve of that. I even approve the seeming nod to House Of A Thousand Corpses. Giant knife wielding maniac son of "Otis" from The Devil's Rejects jumping on a car and shattering it while someone helpless can seem to only scream.

The female characters were so freaking typical. Let us perpetuate the dumb blonde archetype by pandering to audiences. Tara Reid's performance was just fine. It was the constant barrage of the obvious oh this is stupid, oh I have a bad feeling, oh you are an asshole this is so stupid etc etc ad nauseum.

My advice....try again because this was not my favorite film. Personally I have an urge to go back and watch Jason vs Freddy.
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