Jurassic Park (1993)
Just as magical now as when it was released
18 October 2015
I was too young to watch it in 1993 but I remember the huge hype and marketing that came along with this movie. We kids even had jurassic park backpacks without having seen the movie - they simply looked so cool. It puts a big smile on my face watching nowadays the scene where they show the merchandise. I bet all that stuff was actually put on the market when the film was first released.

I only saw the movie on TV a few years later, but the special effects were and still are absolutely amazing even on the small screen. The excellent casting, top acting and Spielberg's great directing make us experience the movie through the eyes of the cast. At first we're amazed by the gigantic and beautiful dinosaurs, later we fear with the cast for their lives.

The movie still looks and feels amazing more than 20 years after its release. Several things it does so much better than most other big action movies: The kids aren't annoying. Their acting - especially the girl's - is great. The dialogues are written with great care and the characters feel like real people. I can't pick a favourite character or actor in this movie, I liked them all. There is no needless display of violence. People die, but you never see it directly. The film knows that it works well as a thriller without descending to cheap gory effects. There is a reason though why this is rated PG-13 and I would not advise to show it to younger kids.

One of Spielberg's best, this is one all time classic and if you haven't seen it you definitely should.
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