Los inocentes (2013)
Don't we make enough crap without importing it?
27 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The story is basic, prank gone bad. But the realism is a complete unseen in this movie. The killer had a nail gun with way too big of nail to fit in the gun and no compressor to fire it. So, this woman was able to get a hold of a futuristic nail gun that doesn't require a compressor, a bone saw, a Black Mamba who she was able to train, somehow get killer bees to swarm on cue to sting making a certain blood pattern on the window, laughing gas.

The premise is that her son was killed by being lured to the area of the hot waters and the water was hot, the metal of the room became lethal. But the cutout burned up due to the excessive heat, how would she know. Not to to mention no court in any country would fail to to convict them of manslaughter. The deaths are unrealistic, the fact they ripped off the first Friday THE 13TH movie, then half way through it turns into BLAIR WITCH PROJECT.

Lastly, the last survivor gets a nail in her arm but was able to get the nail gun away from her only to be shot by Police who never announced himself or ordered her to drop the weapon, I don't know how things are done in Spain, but I know that's not how we do it in American.
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