Supernatural: Our Little World (2015)
Season 11, Episode 6
Good episode, amazing season
12 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers

This was a very good episode in what has been an absolutely stellar season so far. In any other season, this would have stood out as one of the best for several reasons: the plot moved along at a brisk pace, all of the main and side characters got a lot of quality screen time and interacted in compelling ways, and the episode beautifully hinted at impending doom with the revelation of the true nature of The Darkness along with Sam's flashbacks to the cage.

While I found this episode thoroughly enjoyable, I want to talk more about the season as a whole. This is the most excited I've been about a season of Supernatural since the 4th or 5th when the main story arc was still in full swing. Season 6 wasn't bad, but definitely felt like set up. Season 7 was definitely the weakest. Seasons 8 and 9 were pretty good, but got kind of muddled with the endless angel war. Season 10 started out promising with a few great episodes but then just sat on its hands and didn't really pick up the "Deanmon" story until the very end.

This season is different. Not only is it pushing the story forward at a relentless pace, it is also more clever, twisted, funny and dramatic than the past five seasons. These are all the ingredients that I love and that keep the fans coming back to Supernatural. Keep up the good work!
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