Jessica Jones (2015–2019)
Consistent dark tone, inconsistent writing
22 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If you were expecting something as good as Daredevil, don't. Is it close? Maybe for some but my experience was rather disappointing given my high expectations based on the previous series that blew me away.

I had read the comics this was based on and was pleased with how much they deviated so as to keep the story fresh and unpredictable. What I did not care for was the number of characters that were introduced, which was unexpected due to how antisocial the protagonist is. This cluttered up the story with uninteresting or utterly obnoxious nobodies whose subplots wasted time that could have been better spent resolving the major Jessica-related ones, ultimately resulting in an unsatisfying conclusion (not only due to the anticlimax of the final confrontation).

David Tennant shines as Kilgrave, he is most certainly the high point of the story. They gave his character much more depth and a richer history than in the comics (no purple skin, sorry fans.) Far more sadistic than in the comics even, he easily outstrips Wilson Fisk for 'most evil villain' so far in any part of the MCU. Unfortunately this made many of his co-stars on screen with him at the same time look like amateurs, but they tried their best in their other scenes.

Jones' abrasive personality made it difficult for her to have any real chemistry with anyone but it was painfully true with Luke Cage, and one character even had to remark on their chemistry as if those of us who didn't 'get it' were supposed to just buy it. His character was also overused, it made this series feel less like Jessica's own, and also puts into question how independent Cage will be when his own series starts.

A few inconsistencies also marred the enjoyment factor of the series. Jones' powers are never satisfactorily explained (and the opportunity to at least reveal their origin was wasted with too many minor characters and subplots) and Cage's powers are also used inconsistently (explain to me how an explosion fails to deafen and/or blind him, at least temporarily, and yet a shotgun blast under his chin puts him in a coma.) Also in this world of aliens and superheroes, peoples' inability to accept that there exists a mind controller is inexcusable, especially with other series like Agents of SHIELD establishing that numerous 'gifted' individuals exist and are being hunted down. Even those who are directly affected by Kilgrave seem to want not to believe it. It gets aggravating even before the halfway point. Not to mention lots of other miscellaneous stupidity from most of the characters.

Ultimately it's a story about trying to find one's identity that never pans out, tons of moral conundrums that go unresolved, and about the cleverest thing you see is that with all her great strength that others like Daredevil don't have, she can't just go throwing it around with abandon because of the nature of her nemesis who hides behind innocent pawns.

Don't make the mistake of raising your expectations for this because of Daredevil like I did. It feels like this could have benefited from a shorter production run, maybe 8 episodes instead. Curious to see how they'll bring her back in the future, though I'm skeptical if they'd actually give this a second season or any other solo treatment.
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