How I Met Your Mother: Bad News (2011)
Season 6, Episode 13
Welcome back, Alexis Denisof!
22 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Alexis Denisof, most notable as the husband of Alyson Hannigan and one of the stars of Joss Whedon's "Angel" played one of the most shockingly wonderful characters in television. He was an excellent guest star back in Season 1, and this episode, rightfully re- introduces him.

Most of the episode is very good. Sandy Rivers is certainly a plus, and Denisof is brilliant at the character's idiosyncratic humour. The episode makes you laugh at Robin, as much as it makes you pity her a bit, a remarkable feat seeing as how I don't care for the character usually.

The baby troubles is certainly dragging, and Neil Patrick Harris as Barney's doppleganger was terrific. That plot was still entertaining, if not, slightly slow. I did enjoy Judy's very disturbing description of her revealing clothing to Marshall, as he was attempting to collect a urine sample! By the way, why is Marshall's mother also named Judy? Like the same as Ross and Monica's mother!? I get that HIMYM was influenced and inspired by "Friends", and mostly comes off as a two dimensional version of a better series, but could they not come up with a different name for the mother? Plus, Christina Pickles (Ross and Monica's mother) plays Lily's grandmother! Geez!

Now the final scene is one that most people seem to love, praising the acting and the writing. Whilst Alyson Hannigan oozes with brilliance, the writing is downright atrocious. A distraught Lily reveals that Marshall's father had a heart attack, and didn't survive it. A shocked Marshall then says, "My dad's dead?" which would not reflect a person's response to such a moment. It would have been more poignant had Marshall not being able to complete the sentence. And then, he says "I'm not ready for this", which sums up how anyone would react to death. Death is sudden, unpredictable and shocking, so naturally, those affected by the death would not be ready. It is not something a person would SAY in a situation like that, as it is more an idea. Death is sudden, and it is especially sudden to those affected by it. We as a viewer should have been allowed to experience Marshall's shock and his disorientation to realizing his father died. In short, that final scene features some unrealistic dialogue on Marshall's behalf and as such, the emotional impact was lessened for me.

"Bad News" features a wonderful return by Alexis Denisof, and features many entertaining moments. The episode is a little hurt by the ending, which comes off as a bit stiff and wooden as far as emotional resonance is concerned.
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